What’s all about?
We’ve created SBNH Academy to provide free high-value knowledge from science departments (university level) such as mathematics, physics, mechanics, which usually You need to pay for and You don’t have quarantee of quality. Alternatively You can find some parts of topics on Youtube or forums. There wasn’t a a site with everything in one place. Theory plus excercises. Not one or two examples but full spectrum with step by step solution. Not standard: “this is obvious”, “this we can skip”, “that we will explain later”. We will try to add new lessons as regular as we can.
Your intructor – Martyna Ulinowicz Ph.D.
Education in the field of Aerospace Engineering at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering (PAE) at the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT). Works covering areas of avionics, navigation systems, as well as mutual satellite navigation (in formation flight), mathematical modelling, identification and control of air, space, land, and water objects and their systems e.g. on the basis of heuristic methods, motion prediction as well as simulation of dynamic systems.
Cooperator with the European Commission as an independent expert/evaluator and reviewer of projects submitted under the Horizon 2020 Programme.
Experience in commercial, industrial and scientific projects like Horizon 2020 Programme and previous Framework Programs of the European Commission, European Space Agency ESA Programmes.